A new book on the Internet of Things
This book is an essay on the future of the Internet and the - now necessary - contribution of both sciences of complexity and cybernetics in information systems to meet the new challenges of sensory technologies (NFC, RFID, Barcodes, GPS, etc.) and open value chains. This essay discusses the particular impacts on economics, sociology and governance... ABSTRACT : The Internet is a constantly evolving ecosystem. His last variation?... Objects, which are gradually becoming full actors in our organizations. It is this new trend as the “Internet of Things” book will tell and explain. The authors lead a reflection on the deeper meaning of the concept, as well as on key issues arising. The change is imminent, firstly due to the increasing complexity of processes to deal in computer systems (notably through the proliferation of event and contextual data) on the other hand the rise of object-actors , at very subsidiar...