
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2011

Customer relationship management (CRM) in the Internet of Things

What a good CRM tool should be able to face in the Internet of Things... According to the XXth century works on cognitive psychology in economy or sociology, the consumer’s decision making has been demonstrated as something not based upon fully rational behavior, thinking or cognitive processes in the choice of alternatives. In the marketing or merchandizing processes,  Herbert Simon  demonstrated that the consumer’s choice is not made upon: ·         “The identification and listing of all the alternatives, ·         the determination of all the consequences resulting from each of the alternatives; and, ·         the comparison of the accuracy and efficiency of each of these sets of consequences, (source Wikipedia)” Actually, this model is unrealistic since the cognitive effort to produce – in context - would lead to a situation of non-decision (or a situation in which the end user would co...

POSTCAPES IoT Interview Series: 5 questions with Philippe Gautier from Business2Any

This is the 3rd segment in the Postscapes Interview Series with some of the top people influencing the Internet of Things. Philippe Gautier the founder of Business2Any discussed a few topics with us including: "Unstructured or non-deterministic” open supply chains How the IoT is making fundamental shifts in our old models of working and acting. The emergence of new value chains and ecosystems. See :

What a "Warehouse Management System" could be in the Internet of Things ?

TODAY NEWTON: space is already organized, time is a linear dimension, common to everything and objects which are populating space are studied with a prior understanding of the unique organization of the universe. I n that scheme, a WMS (Warehouse Management System) problem is: how to organize space then how to populate it accordingly - then how to find things in it - then how to realign the virtual idea of the reality (information system) with reality (since it always diverges!). TOMORROW EINSTEIN/PLANCK: space isn’t organized a priori. It changes and becomes organized with the auto-organization of the objects which are populating it and time is a dimension that can change, depending on the objects, the organization of objects, etc. But organization isn’t always the same! In that scheme, the problem of a WMS becomes: how to model the dynamic organization of objects, considering their autonomous behavior and the interoperability between them? The problem of finding them i...